Seriously, where did it go? Has anyone noticed that the words “global warming” are never used anymore? Unless someone is cracking a joke about how unusually cold it is, you never hear it anymore. So what replaced it? Climate change. Don’t believe me? Google it! Google global warming and there are about 34,600,000 hits. Google climate change and there about 71,200,000 hits. Nearly double! So why is this replacement happening?

Before I answer that let me state that I think helping the environment is a huge priority. It should take second place to helping people, but still everyone should do whatever they can to take care of our planet.

So now let me answer the question I posed? I think that scientists are trying to hedge their bets. As late as the 1980’s and 1990’s there were concerns that we were headed towards another Ice Age. Now the trend is toward global warming. But if they call it climate change, the term can be used for any change in the global temperature. Therefore if the global temperature drops, then they can go ahead and call it climate change. If it rises, they can call that climate change as well.

However I’m going to bring the bottom line to what I think lies at the bottom of a lot of issues: Money! Now I don’t think that money motivates something like the renaming of an idea. However the more urgent the scientists can make climate change seem, the more money they get. So if the evidence goes against their global warming theory, they rename it and get to keep the funding without people noticing it.

As always I appreciate your thoughts, so go ahead and comment and tell me what you think!